Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Jiggling and joggling

Jiggling and joggling to wake up the souls...

Though a source of entertainment for many, this cruel sport is just one of the several ways of misusing animals since it gets the cash registers ringing. These mute beings used in movies and other T.V. programmes are treated as mere props and on many occasions, brutally tortured to get one shot right. “Animals are not natural performers. They don’t like performing. While it is practically impossible to completely refrain their use in media, it is important that they are not put through any sort of torture. So, capturing the natural behaviour of the animal is allowed but making them perform special acts that are not natural to their disposition is cruelty and is not allowed,” informs Jaya Simha, Campaign Manager, PETA India. This Mumbai-based organisation is all set to awaken the entertainment industry to animal rights. The most recent case pending in the court is for the rights of the pug used in the Hutch campaign. The little dog was unduly tortured when made to run during the ‘bus-chasing’ scene. “The chimps used in the Amul advertisement were pushed beyond their natural level of performance and that’s objectionable to us,” asserts Jaya.

It’s great to have such organisations work for the rights of animals, but it’s quite disappointing that only a handful of us worry about the life of those who cannot speak for themselves. The laws and campaigns might someday spare the animals used as props from torture, but I wonder if it can bring about mercy in those hearts that swell with life by watching those of others sink in pain and fear?

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.

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