Saturday, October 27, 2012

Raced barefooted!

Only running is not sufficient anymore! There’s more you have to do to make up for what you made technology do for you!

Of course, it goes without saying that all these benefits would fetch us a healthier life in the long run.For those who want to get acquainted with barefoot running, here are some tricks. (The rest just wait for a better bait in the latter half of the article!) First, to run barefoot, one must run on the forefoot without heel-striking. Secondly, let the body land first. One must land directly under it. The knees should never be straightened fully, either in front or behind the body. And lastly, go slow in your pursuit of barefoot athletics! It can be more damaging than beneficial if you aim to run like the South African athlete Zola Budd (who always trained and raced barefooted!) in just a week or a month!

Well, those who can’t imagine letting go of a surface between their foot and the ground, could try out shoes that are made using the Masai Barefoot Technology. As the name suggests, the technology used has been derived after noticing the gait, stamina and strong legs of the Masai tribals (one of the tribes that has also inspired the barefoot trend). Though many of them still walk barefoot, it is ironical that even most of the Masai have designed footwear made from tyres to provide the bare minimum comfort and yet stay almost barefoot! In fact, Nike Free technology seems to have been inspired by such minimum comfort formula…

Some ancient philosophies suggest that the life-force energy called Chi (also called Prana) is absorbed through the soles of our feet. That’s one edge that no pair of shoes can match. Well for that, if not the sole of our foot, what about energy transaction through the soul? Doesn’t that fit the bill of the uber ‘going back to the basic’ style statement even more?

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.

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